Friday, January 7, 2011

Non-event more historic than clothing of (less than likeable) American icons

Congrats to the Carolinas Aviation Museum, which seems to have won purchasing rights to the airplane from the "Miracle on the Hudson" incident. I'm sure you'll have a great exhibition about it.

I'm curious though, the Smithsonian was apparently interested in this hulkster. Really? It was a notable almost crash landing and all, and Sulley was hero of the month at the time certainly, but you're seeming a bit hypocritical to call that notable, Smithsonian. After all, Smithsonian, you recently rejected OJ Simpson's suit jacket from the day of his infamous acquittal. And before that, you rejected Monica Lewinsky's blue dress.


A random non-crashed but still unusable plane is more noticeable than a dress that brought down a President, effectively bringing in Bush Jr., or the clothes worn by the millions who watched OJ on that fateful day?